Thursday, April 26, 2012

Copyright and its Law

Copyright - is a legal concept enacted by most governments, giving the author the exclusive rights to their original work, meaning anyone who copy have to give them credit.
Copy free - is used to identify your right to copy, use, distribute or modify anything you possesses.
Trademark - a distinctive name, logo, symbol or slogan that legally identifies a company's products or services, preventing anyone to copy or use the identical thing.
Creative commons - a non-profit organization working on expanding the range for creative works to be available for others to build upon and share.
Royalty free - the ability to use intellectual property without paying a royalty free, most of the time it's refer to music.
GNU licensed -  A free-software that helps users to distribute to copy-free works.
Public domain - refer to those who work's which had expired.

Checking Your Sources

  • You should always know who or which group made it.
  • When was the video/source made or updated?
  • Did it have enough information to support itself?
  • You should check on the internet from other sources about the video/source or about the post that they make. 
  • Last but not least, you might want to know the goals/aims of the video/source. 

Flotilla Protests homework

   Have you had a look on various sources to find out what Marc (Marc3pax)does?
My friend helped me by sending me this very reliable source, very popular. It is said that the guy in the video is an Israeli actor, and its hidden message is to make people hate the Palestinian more than the Israel and support Israel, not Palestinian.
          How does this video relate to the flotilla movement?
As I said above, this video's aim is to change people's perspective about the Palestinian to a negative way.
         Is the video objective?
This video is not objective, it is biased, it was made by an Israel actor to make people think bad about Palestinian.
 Is there evidence supporting Marc3pax’s findings?
I don't think there are much evidences, as Mr. Michael had pointed out, he did not show much images, information, prove and sources, and some of the images might be an images of anything. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Flotilla Protests

List of people who could report the story of the Flotilla Protest:

 Isreali Government
 Jews in American land
 Palestinian Citizens
 Palestinian Media
 Palestinian Government
 American Government
 Protestors/ Pacifist's/ Students (can be half objective)

 U.N - United Nations
 Arab Media
 Foreign Journalists
 Isreali Media-Citizens