Thursday, April 26, 2012

Flotilla Protests homework

   Have you had a look on various sources to find out what Marc (Marc3pax)does?
My friend helped me by sending me this very reliable source, very popular. It is said that the guy in the video is an Israeli actor, and its hidden message is to make people hate the Palestinian more than the Israel and support Israel, not Palestinian.
          How does this video relate to the flotilla movement?
As I said above, this video's aim is to change people's perspective about the Palestinian to a negative way.
         Is the video objective?
This video is not objective, it is biased, it was made by an Israel actor to make people think bad about Palestinian.
 Is there evidence supporting Marc3pax’s findings?
I don't think there are much evidences, as Mr. Michael had pointed out, he did not show much images, information, prove and sources, and some of the images might be an images of anything. 

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